CM: Milan remain keen on Monza star but interest has cooled slightly

By Euan Burns -

AC Milan are still keeping a close eye on Monza midfielder Andrea Colpani, but their interest in the former Atalanta youngster has slowed down slightly compared to recent weeks.

As reported by, there has been an incredible amount of interest in Monza’s Colpani due to his superb form for the Brianzoli this season.

He has scored four goals in the first nine Serie A games of the season, helping Raffaelle Palladino’s side to a great start and the potential of a top-half finish.

Inter, Juventus and AS Roma are now viewed as the three teams that are most seriously watching Colpani, with Milan’s interest slightly cooler than their rivals.

Monza will likely be able to record a big capital gain if they sell Colpani, with Adriano Galliani wanting to ensure that he fetches a fee higher than the €27m that Inter will pay for Davide Frattesi from Sassuolo at the end of his loan.

Tags AC Milan Andrea Colpani


  1. Yes, this is what we need, Italian, creative, scores goals, young. But he is not a foreigner so I doubt we will buy him. But we can dream, imagine if we forgot all these shiny foreigners and concentrated on some home grown talent for a change, we need some character in this team, some identity

  2. This is why Milan doesn’t pull the trigger on Italians. Many good players are simply overpriced. Colpani is a great player and at the right price would be a stellar buy, but 27 mil is a joke.

    1. Im sure we could do a deal, loan with option to buy etc, like inter did with Frattesi, which should lower the price and/or throw in a player exchange etc, it is Galliani after all, a milanisti, would be terrible if Inter get another good Italian and we are left with another random foreigner.
      We must get our identity back, it is essential, all great teams have a core of homegrown players, look at PSG, Man City, Barca etc etc

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